Next meeting

Tucson Sentinel Editor Dylan Smith

Saturday, December 14, 2024, 10:30am
Forty Niner Country Club
12000 E Tanque Verde Rd

Our guest speaker will be Dylan Smith of the Tucson Sentinel, who will share his insights on what lies ahead for the upcoming legislative session.

Dylan Smith is the Editor and Co-Publisher of the Tucson Sentinel, a pioneering nonprofit local independent online news organization. Prior to founding the Sentinel, he was the Online Editor for the Tucson Citizen, until that newspaper was shut down by Evil Corporate Overlords.

Dylan has won numerous state and national awards and accolades for breaking news and investigative journalism. He comes from a long line of journalists. His great-grandfather began work as a reporter fresh from high school in 1900 and his family published the Wheaton (Ill.) Daily Journal for nearly 50 years. Dylan’s grandmother was a copyeditor and typesetter, his parents published an alternative newspaper in the 1960s and ‘70s, and his father was a correspondent for the United Farm Workers newspaper El Malcriado.

Despite his long heritage in print journalism, Dylan is a firm believer in the power of the Internet to inform and inspire like no other medium for reporting.

At this meeting we will also be electing officers and at large board members for the coming year. The following people have expressed interest in the following positions.


  • Chair – Pat Wiedhopf
  • First Vice Chair – John Grant
  • Second Vice Chair – TBD
  • Treasurer – Steve McClure
  • Secretary – Maria Parham

At Large Board Members:

  • Cathy Davis
  • Andy Flach
  • Beth Isabelle
  • Katie Maass
  • Luci Banales Messing
  • Frank Ratey
  • Ann Stormes

Please note the new time of our meeting. We look forward to seeing you all there!

Pat Wiedhopf
Chair, Tanque Verde Valley Democratic Club

The Tanque Verde Valley Democratic Club presents speakers of interest to Democratic voters on the second Saturday of every month.

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